We love hearing from our customers and are eager to help with placing orders or any other questions you may have. Besides our website, you may send in your orders or contact us in any of the following ways:
By Phone
If you have an urgent request that needs immediate attention, please call us toll free at 1-800-848-4650. Our Customer Service Representatives will be happy to modify your order, modify the ship to address, or help with any other questions you have about your order.
By Email
We encourage you to send us an email at service@fabulousfurs.com with your question or comments. General response time is 24-48 hours upon receipt.
By Live Chat
Our Customer Service Representatives can be reached by live chat from 9a.m. - 9p.m. EST 7 days a week. To begin a chat, just click the "Click to Chat" icon at the lower right of your browser window. We currently support Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer 9+.
By Mail
If you would like to send us a letter of praise or have a great product suggestion, please use the address below:
Donna Salyers Fabulous-Furs
Customer Service Department
25 West Robbins Street
Covington, KY 41011

We sincerely appreciate your thoughts and feedback and look forward to hearing from you!