Fab-Furs Forecast: Resolve to "Go Faux" in 2024

For the Love (Of Animals)
Probably the most important reason to choose faux fur – you share our strong belief that no animal should have to suffer in the name of fashion. Although they may share the beauty and warmth of real fur, all Fabulous-Furs products are 100% cruelty-free.
For (Real) Life
Faux fur is easier and more durable than the real thing. Fabulous-Furs products are made for living. Our throws are machine-washable, and all our faux fur can be easily spot cleaned. With the right care (more on that below) your faux fur should last a lifetime!

Forever Trending
Some trends may come and go, but a classic faux fur never goes out of style! Even if your personal style leans more trendy than traditional, you’re still in luck. From bold colors to modern silhouettes, there’s a faux fur for everyone!
Watch our step-by-step video for more detailed instructions on caring for your faux fur.
Watch our step-by-step video for more detailed instructions on caring for your faux fur.